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  • Writer's pictureBy The Financial District


Following a joint R&D program led by the Israel Ministry of Defense, with leading drone developer, XTEND, and the U.S. Department of Defense, an operational pilot program has been launched employing SKYLORD drones in defense of U.S. military forces.

This operational pilot program is the first step towards the widespread deployment of smart systems to U.S. military forces, enabling them to perform complex tasks in the modern battlefield while minimizing risk. As part of the pilot program, several dozen SKYLORD systems will be employed by U.S. troops.

The program has produced a drone system with an immersive remote interface that protects troops from various inbound aerial threats – particularly drones.

Using an AR (augmented reality) device and a single-handed controller, a military operator may employ the SKYLORD system to control the drone and perform complex tasks remotely, with great ease and precision. Its interface enables the operator to immerse themselves or "step into" a remote reality and engage targets effectively yet safely.

With minimal training and no expertise required, the system's capabilities have been demonstrated in Israel, with confirmed interceptions of incendiary devices flown over the Gaza border by terrorist organizations.

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