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  • Writer's pictureBy The Financial District

Cal State’s Faculty To Strike As Talks Over Pay End

Faculty at California State University (CSU), the largest public university system in the US, could stage a systemwide strike later this month after school officials ended contract negotiations Tuesday with a unilateral offer of a 5% pay raise, far below what the union is demanding, Associated Press (AP) Finance reported.

In offering just 5% effective January 31, university officials said the union’s salary demands were not financially viable and would have resulted in layoffs and other cuts. I Photo: California State University, Fullerton Facebook

Professors, librarians, coaches, and other members of the California Faculty Association (CFA) staged a series of one-day walkouts across four campuses last month to demand higher pay, more manageable workloads, and an increase in parental leave.

The union, which represents roughly 29,000 workers across Cal State's 23 campuses, is seeking a 12% pay raise.

In offering just 5% effective January 31, university officials said the union’s salary demands were not financially viable and would have resulted in layoffs and other cuts. CSU has 23 campuses.

“With this action, we will ensure that well-deserved raises get to our faculty members as soon as possible,” Leora Freedman, vice-chancellor for human resources, said in a statement.

All the news: Business man in suit and tie smiling and reading a newspaper near the financial district.

“We have been in the bargaining process for eight months, and the CFA has shown no movement, leaving us no other option.”

The union's bargaining team reserved four days for talks this week, “making every effort to bargain in good faith and explore the space for a negotiated solution before a systemwide strike January 22 to 26," the CFA said.

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