Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, issued a letter to House GOP, challenging the validity of subpoenas sent to the president's son in November, Paula Reid and Annie Grayer reported for CNN.

Lowell argued that the subpoenas are legally invalid as they were issued before the full House authorized an impeachment inquiry on December 13, 2023. I Photo: Ralph Alswang / Be the Change, Inc. Flickr
Lowell argued that the subpoenas are legally invalid as they were issued before the full House authorized an impeachment inquiry on December 13, 2023. The letter cited a Trump-era Office of Legal Counsel opinion stating that subpoenas issued before the House authorized inquiry are not enforceable.
Biden's lawyers expressed willingness to cooperate under a duly authorized impeachment inquiry, stating, "Now that there is a duly authorized impeachment inquiry, Mr. Biden will comply for a hearing or deposition. We will accept such a subpoena on Mr. Biden’s behalf."
The letter may signal the start of negotiations between the parties, who have been in dispute over deposing Hunter Biden amid an ongoing Justice Department investigation.
A footnote in the letter suggested that cooperation might extend to public proceedings and proposed a "procedure for a hybrid process."
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan indicated they would continue pursuing criminal contempt of Congress against Hunter Biden until a closed-door deposition is scheduled.