An Alabama mother with a rare double uterus has delivered a set of twins, the hospital treating her announced, as reported by Gloria Oladipo for The Guardian.

Hatcher – after 20 hours of labor – gave birth to Roxi Layla on Tuesday and her second daughter, Rebel Laken, on Wednesday. I Photo: Kelsey Hatcher Facebook
In what doctors are calling a “one-in-a-million” pregnancy, 32-year-old Kelsey Hatcher delivered a set of twin daughters, one in each womb, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) hospital.
Hatcher – after 20 hours of labor – gave birth to Roxi Layla on Tuesday and her second daughter, Rebel Laken, on Wednesday.
“Never in our wildest dreams could we have planned a pregnancy and birth like this … but bringing our two healthy baby girls into this world safely was always the goal, and UAB helped us accomplish that,” Hatcher said in the hospital’s press release.
“It seems appropriate that they had two birthdays, though. They both had their own ‘houses,’ and now both have their own unique birth stories,” she said.
Hatcher was first diagnosed with uterus didelphys, or a double uterus, at the age of 17. The condition is a rare uterine anomaly seen in only 0.3% of women. The latest delivery is Hatcher’s fourth pregnancy.
She has previously delivered babies from one uterus at a time only. In a previous case of uterus didelphys in Nepal, a woman gave birth to a baby after delivering another one 26 days earlier.