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  • Writer's pictureBy The Financial District

Alito Rebuttal To Unpublished Story Slammed

US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued a bizarre and fiery rebuttal against ethics claims against him hours before they were even published, Liza Hearon reported for HuffPost.

Photo Insert: The Alito caper comes after Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts were also zapped with ethics violations.

Paul Farhi of the Washington Post also scratched his head about Alito’s gimmick since he was reacting, evidence-free, to questions raised by three Pro Publica reporters who found out that he spent days fishing in Alaska and flying on a private plane courtesy of GOP megadonor Paul Singer, whose companies had 10 cases before the Supreme Court.

He had his vacation paid for by Singer.

Two additional ethics cases could be raised here, first with Alito, a disciple of “originalism” that has been invoked to loosen gun rules and wipe away abortion rights, since he was reacting to a story he hasn’t read, and second, with the rightwing Wall Street Journal, whose “independent” editorial board carried on the Alito rebuttal to a story that hasn’t seen the light of day.

On both counts, the “accused” are “guilty.”

All the news: Business man in suit and tie smiling and reading a newspaper near the financial district.

The Alito caper comes after Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts were also zapped with ethics violations for unreported free vacations and millions of incomes for their wives from GOP donors and law firms.

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