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Anatoly Karpov, Who Spoke Out Against Ukraine Invasion, In Hospital With Fractured Skull

Former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov was rushed to the hospital with multiple head injuries and was placed in an induced coma after he was diagnosed with cerebral edema, fractures of the right parietal and right temporal bones, multiple head hematomas, and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, ChessBase reported.

Photo Insert: Karpov earlier supported Russian President Vladimir Putin as a member of the Russian Duma, but later spoke out against the invasion of Ukraine, saying it was wrong for Russians and Ukrainians to engage in armed conflict.

On a few things none of the reports still in circulation disagree: the 12th World Champion and current member of Duma, Anatoly Karpov, 71, was found on the ground outside of the Duma, and unresponsive.

His blood alcohol levels were very elevated, and he was rushed to the hospital into intensive care. Some early reports claimed he was the victim of an assault and in an induced coma, including Marca in Spain.

The source of this, according to TASS, Andrei Kovalev, chairman of the All-Russian Movement of Entrepreneurs, announced in his Telegram channel that Karpov was in intensive care after an attack by unknown people and put into an artificial coma.

Karpov's assistant, however, denied this and said he was fine, had no injuries and was in stable condition. Which begs the question, how fine can he be if there is a need to reassure others he is in “stable condition.”

All the news: Business man in suit and tie smiling and reading a newspaper near the financial district.

Since Russian media is under very tight control by the Russian State, it is impossible to know where the truth really lies.

Karpov earlier supported Russian President Vladimir Putin as a member of the Russian Duma, but later spoke out against the invasion of Ukraine, saying it was wrong for Russians and Ukrainians to engage in armed conflict.

Government & politics: Politicians, government officials and delegates standing in front of their country flags in a political event in the financial district.

The European Union (UN) has sanctioned him. He established 46 schools for chess across the globe. However, that charitable work was halted with the war in Ukraine as sanctions made it more and more difficult for him to travel.

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